The Austrian Press Agency (APA) reports that there are confirmed three cases of the Indian mutant in Burgenland. All three cases occurred in a family in Nickelsdorf. It is not known where they contracted the disease.
The three suspected cases of the Indian corona mutation in Burgenland have been confirmed by AGES. The chain of infection could be interrupted, no further cases have occurred since May 1, when the suspected cases became known, it was said Tuesday from the coordination staff coronavirus to APA.
Suspected Indian mutation in Tyrol.
There is also a suspected case of the Indian mutation in Tyrol for the first time. It involves a person who fell ill in India and was brought back to Tyrol by secured ambulance flight, the state announced Tuesday. There had been no unprotected contacts in Tyrol.
After arrival, the sick person was brought to the Innsbruck hospital by infection transport. The person is now in hospital treatment and was isolated in a normal ward. A positive PCR test resulted in the suspicion of the Indian mutation. The corresponding sample was sent to AGES for sequencing.
- sources: APA and
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